Are you injecting the right area?
Areas of concern such as ‘naso-labial’ folds can sometimes require a little more of an indirect approach when treating.
In some cases a straight forward case of injecting the affected area of filler is all that is required to lessen/remove the wrinkles and deep set lines caused from, in some cases genetics and the typical ageing process.
In other circumstances (especially in the case of naso-labial folds), it is often the case that fat pads in the cheek area have diminished; causing a droop appearance from the midface subsequently causing deeper naso-labial folds. In cases such as this, we actually get better results in indirect reduction of the nasolabial folds by injecting and building back up the diminished cheek area.
What we need to remember is that everyone’s facial anatomy is different and your injector will need to analyse your face to advise the best approach to obtain the outcome you want!