Budletts Farm House, Uckfield, TN22 2EA


Transforming your Natural self Confidence beauty elegance



Deso Therapy can be used to treat stubborn pockets of fat that are difficult to address despite diet and exercise. the injection of a fat-dissolving substance, containing sodium deoxycholate, into localised fat deposits using either a needle or cannula. The solution causes the destruction of the fat cells which then undergo degradation and are removed by the lymphatic system. Sodium deoxycholate works gradually within the tissue and the process of removal takes time and results can take several weeks to fully appear.

A course of fat Dissolving treatment is dependant on the area the injections are applied to. Rough estimations of the number of treatments typically required for the different areas of the body (this is dependant on the quantity of fat in the area in question) are as follows;

DESO BODY and DESO FACE are the next generation of injectable Deoxycholic Acid ‘fat dissolvers’ in the UK.

DESO Body/Face are state-of-the-art fat dissolving injectable products designed to treat those difficult localised pockets of fat. Areas that can be treated include a ‘double’ chin, the arms, abdomen, flanks, buttocks, inner knees, thighs and back or bra ‘rolls’. Depending on the area treated and the amount of fat involved, several sessions may be required to achieve the desired result.

In line with similar injectable treatments like Aqualyx®, the active ingredient is Deoxycholic Acid, proven to reduce fat deposits for the right patients. The product is conveniently separated into a face and body concentration and side effects are minimal. In addition, DESO is known to result in much less swelling than Aqualyx®.

When treating the body localised fat is reduced and skin firmness is improved.  When treating the face, drainage of excess fluids takes place as well as reduced localised fat amounts.

This treatment requires skill with administration to obtain the best results. Injections may only be administered subcutaneously, avoiding muscular or dermal tissue. Only a qualified and appropriately trained Doctor/Nurse should be administering this treatment, and you should aim for a well scrutinised practice

Overview of Deso Threapy

varies per patient

Procedure time

15-30 minutes

Treatment Prices

View prices here

Number of sessions

2 - 4 treatment

Timeframe for results

Immediate – final results after 2 weeks


0-2 days for most clients

Back to work

Same day

Duration of results

Approximately 9-12 months for most patients

Find the best treatment for you


Book a consultation

Get in touch with a member of our team or book using our online booking system.

Book treatment

Following your consultation or if you have already decided on your treatment, book your treatment online, full out a contact form or give our team a call.

Treatment day

Following your consultation or if you have already decided on your treatment, book your treatment online, full out a contact form or give our team a call.


The speed of your results depends on your natural metabolic rate and the speed at which your body adapts to the loss of the treated fat cells. On average, patients can begin to see good visible improvement in the treatment area around 6-weeks post final treatment.

  • The number of treatments required for the best results varies from patient to patient and is dependent on the amount of fat within the treatment area, however anything between 2-4 sessions is usually recommended for the most drastic visible results. Treatments for a double chin are carried out a minimum of 4 weeks apart.


Redness in the affected area is common. You may experience bruising and/or swelling. Mild discomfort is common but some may have more prolonged pain. This can be managed and we provide guidance and support throughout your treatment journey. Occasionally, ‘nodules’ may form, but are transient and require no treatment. Should they persist, they may require more focused DESO injection.

Not necessarily. If discomfort is minimal and the treated area is not visible (e.g. thighs, abdomen) there is no objection to working. Treating the chin area may result in visible redness, bruising and/or swelling so you may wish organise a few days off work, if this is an issue for you.