How Much Lip Filler Do I Need? By Dr Ranjbar
How much lip filler do I need? Lip filler quantities and recommendations will vary with every clinician. You may never find two injectors that agree or recommend exactly the same thing. For example, I pride myself on being “the natural lip queen”. Not a name I made for myself but one my patients have said […]
What Brand Of Dermal Filler Is The Best? – L1P Aesthetics
What brand of Dermal Filler is best? This is a very difficult question to answer. The question should be, what dermal filler suits my need best. However, it is well known in the aesthetic industry that dermal fillers all have their own good and bad points. The most well-known brand of dermal filler that gets […]
The Anatomy Of The Face For Aesthetics – L1P Aesthetics
The anatomy of the face is pertinent for safe and effective placement of fillers and neuromodulators. A detailed understanding of facial blood vessels, nerves and musculature is essential to achieve consistent results when utilizing injecatbles in aesthetic medicine. In this blog I will highlight key anatomy in the forehead, cheeks, temple area, nasal area and perioral regions of the face. The […]
What To Do If My Treatment Went Wrong At Another Clinic? – L1P Aesthetics
So your treatment went wrong at a previous clinic. What do you do now?! Just like in any industry, undesirable outcomes may occur. The rule of thumb is … do not panic! … thankfully many treatments in the aesthetics industry now can be reversed or have a known timeline of effect. If you are unhappy with your treatment, whether […]
Has My Lip Filler Migrated? Are My Lips Normal?
These are questions I get asked regularly, and 60% of the time the answer is yes your dermal filler has migrated, and no your lip filler outcome is not normal. Unfortunately in the industry today, some dermal fillers used, whether this be due to cost for the injector, hence larger profit margins and or publicity […]
Are You Filling The Right Area? | Dermal Fillers & Where To Use Them
Are you injecting the right area? Areas of concern such as ‘naso-labial’ folds can sometimes require a little more of an indirect approach when treating. In some cases a straight forward case of injecting the affected area of filler is all that is required to lessen/remove the wrinkles and deep set lines caused from, in […]
Does Your Aesthetics Injector Know Their Anatomy?
The anatomy of the face is pertinent for safe and effective placement of fillers and neuromodulators. A detailed understanding of facial blood vessels, nerves and musculature is essential to achieve consistent results when utilizing injectables in aesthetic medicine. In this blog I will highlight key anatomy in the forehead, cheeks, temple area, nasal area and […]
I’ve Got Small Lips But Im Worried About Getting Lip Fillers
Have you got small lips and have wondered whether or not you can get the same results from lip fillers as some of your friends or favorite celebrities?Have you been worried that you may not have the lip structure or possibly think it maybe more dangerous of painful for you to get lip fillers? […]
11 Vital Things You need To Know Before Getting Lip Fillers
So it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that Lip fillers are on an all time high. It took a little social media push from the famous Kylie Jenner and her volumptuous lips to send the treatment into overdrive. I want to share my top 11 tips of the do’s and don’t’s before you […]